Saturday, February 22, 2025

Training workshop Training workshop
Forum Theatre training with Julian Boal September 2008


ACTive INquiry seeks to be an advocate for the work of Augusto Boal and the Theatre of the Oppressed in Scotland by offering various training workshops for artists and other professionals. Like all our practice, we seek to keep our training at the cutting edge of the work.

We are so excited to be running three training workshops in 2024 including bringing Julian Boal, son of Augusto Boal, back to Scotland. All workshops are open to beginners as well as for those with more experience. We expect these workshops to be in high demand so please book soon to avoid disappointment.

Newspaper Theatre in times of Social Media - Sabrina Speranza Signorelli
15th and 16th March 2024
The Quaker Meeting House, Edinburgh
Newspaper Theatre was the first branch of the tree of the Theatre of the Oppressed. Developed in the first years of Brazil’s 20th century dictatorship. It was a weapon to fight against censorship and information manipulation by media outlets collaborating with military forces. How can we reinvent Newspaper Theatre to explore and tackle the rise of disinformation on Social Media?
Please visit Eventbrite for more information and to book a ticket

The Activist Clown - Robyn Hambrook
12th and 13th April 2024
The Quaker Meeting House, Edinburgh
Join Activist Clown and founder of the Bristol Clown School, Robyn Hambrook for a two day workshop exploring the powerful personal, political and poetic possibilities of clowning. This two day deep dive explores the dynamics of clowning; from the deeply regenerative practice of play, presence and pleasure to the liberation in being ridiculous, transgressive and rebellious.
Please visit Eventbrite for more information and to book a ticket

The Joker in Forum Theatre - Julian Boal
3rd-5th May 2024
Norton Park Conference Centre, Edinburgh
This dynamic, practical theatre workshop welcomes everyone from beginners to longtime facilitators to explore the role of the Joker in framing and facilitating the question we want to ask in Forum Theatre. The way we frame the question to the audience in the play cannot be absolutely separated from the way we facilitate the answers the audience will give. How to be both respectful and keep the conversation under the perspective of the oppressed people? How not to give up on despair neither promote false hopes?
Please visit Eventbrite for more information and to book a ticket


Training Courses Offered:

Are you a school, arts organisation, charity, community or voluntary group? We can tailor a training course for your needs. Our unique courses include:

Introduction to Boal and the Theatre of the Oppressed
Introduction to Forum Theatre
Devising Forum Theatre
Introduction to the Rainbow of Desire
The Art of the Joker
The Rehearsal Techniques of Augusto Boal
How to be a good Forum Actor

Please contact us to discuss your specific training needs.

Don’t see anything here that interests you? Then contact us to make a suggestion!