Saturday, February 22, 2025
Past Projects

Below are some examples of previous work. Please download our Activity Report for a full list of past projects.



This project was run in partnership with The Thistle Foundation. Working in schools across Edinburgh and Midlothian this project used drama work with disabled young people to explore thoughts, emotions, concerns, opportunities and options in the transition from school.


Reimagining the Future

Reimagining the FutureReturn to Wonderland and Waiting for Dot were two short plays devised by older adults exploring issues of ageism, activism and the future in older age.

They were part of the Reimagining the Future Project at the University of Stirling exploring the potential for utopian thinking to reimagine the future in older age.

Watch the film of the project by filmmaker Ray Bird

Download the Creative Toolkit




At Home. Oya has to leave. Jessica puts one more thing on credit. Paul reaches for his son. Ryan hears his landlord’s key in the lock. Gregor watches the letterbox. Home is three new plays devised and performed by people with lived experience. Questioning what Home means to each of us, we ask how Home can be safe and secure for everyone.

This latest piece from Edinburgh-based Active Inquiry is presented in partnership with Shakti Women’s Aid, The Bethany Christian Trust and The Alma project. Home uses puppetry, movement and first-hand accounts to explore why Home is not always where the heart is. Exploring issues including mental health, domestic abuse and addiction, Home shows us the problems and asks us to be a part of the solution.




LegiLABThis project brought together Theatre of the Oppressed organisations working in Scotland, Poland, Italy and Slovenia to explore and develop Legislative Theatre and ask how it could be applied in different countries and contexts throughout Europe today.

This project produced a Booklet about Legislative Theatre which can be downloaded here.



Connected Lives

Connected LivesWhy do people feel isolated in a city?
What causes this isolation and where can connections be found?

Funded by the Culture Service project fund from the City of Edinburgh Council, this performance brought together participants from the Active Inquiry Spect-Act Network - in partnership with the Bethany Christian Trust, The Alma Project and Shakti Women's Aid - to tell the story of Muyemba, Baz and Poppy. Why have they become isolated and where can they make connections again?

Performed for a sold-out run in the Fringe Festival 2018


Spect-ActSpect-Act was a two-year project funded by Creative Scotland which enabled us to work in partnership with the Bethany Christian Trust, The Alma Project and Shakti Women's Aid to create a network of three Theatre of the Oppressed Companies in Edinburgh. These Companies created powerful new work exploring domestic violence, addiction, mental health difficulties and gender discrimination and performed many times including at the Scottish Parliament for the First Minister.

This Spect-Act Network continues to work together and are currently involved in our Connecting Lives project.


Resilience A Forum Theatre project in Leith which came as a direct result of the Action Plan created at our Divided We Fall? event in May 2013. One of the top action points voted on by participants was to find ways for community groups and organisations to become more resilient, be able to share information and be able to thrive in the current economic and political environment.

We live in difficult economic times. Many community organisations are expected to do more with less resources and have to focus on surviving everyday. How can we enable these organisations to be able to become more resilient and thrive?

We live in difficult political times. Although a lot of language centres around community empowerment and involving communities in decisions that affect them, this is often not seen in communities. How can communities be supported to take more control of their own assets and the decisions that affect them?


Divided We Fall?

Divided We Fall? A Forum Theatre project in Leith which explored the concepts of Identity, Diversity and Integration and asked how diverse communities such as Leith could build solidarity in the context of cuts to public services, the Welfare Reform Act and other divisive policies and influences from above.

The project involved performances in many community venues in Leith as well as working with a group of Leith residents and visitors to develop Forum Theatre scenes for a community event in May 2013 which included food, music and action planning as well as four performances. Watch the video of the event or read a special edition of the Bugle Magazine [pdf 1.6MB] about the event.

Not For Profit

Power to the People? A Forum Theatre project in Leith which created a space to explore the causes of and alternatives to the public sector cuts. Developed with the Leith community this project culminated in an event in Leith in May 2012 which was supported by many local organisations and anti-cuts groups.





Power to the People?

Power to the People? A forum theatre project which explored the tricky concept of empowerment and asked "Is Leith ready to join The Big Society?!"

The first stage of this project, developed through workshops with members of the Leith Community, involved the performance of a piece of theatre which told the story of Alice and her struggles to make positive changes in her community

The second stage enabled audience members from the first stage to create their own pieces of Forum Theatre for a final event on 11th May 2011 which saw more than 40 people come together to explore what action could be taken to truly empower the people of Leith. Read more about the event on our Blog.


A forum theatre project, coinciding with the 2010 General Election, which asked “Can we do more to change things than just voting every 5 years?” After each performance the audience was invited to suggest and vote for the action that would lead to the change they most wanted to see in Leith.


SpaceA unique theatre project in the Leith area of Edinburgh which explored people’s relationship to the space around them. This involved the development of a piece of Forum Theatre for performances in various venues in Leith. Through workshops with members of the Leith community we developed SPACE, which told the story of Maggie who wanted to save the local green space from being turned into a car park. The play explored the question “What stops people from taking an active stake in public space?”

“I’ve never seen anything like it! It is such an interesting and dynamic way to explore issues. I really liked how the audience interacted with and influenced the play.” Audience member, SPACE

Act Your Age

The pilot project of ACTive INquiry. This project involved working with a group of older people to explore the issue of age discrimination. A piece of Forum Theatre was toured to older people’s groups in Edinburgh and a public performance was held at the Gateway Theatre.

“Experiencing the completed project proved to me what a valuable process it is for everyone involved. Seeing people with no experience of drama or theatre engaging with and being energised to the extent of actually taking part themselves in the action was quite uplifting and very satisfying.” Participant, Act Your Age